It’s already April! How did that happen? 2024 is whizzing by and the major milestones of the year are coming and going just as quickly. We have already had New Year’s, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, and Easter! Next up is Mother’s Day. This year Mother’s Day falls on May 12th which gives us about 6 weeks to come up with a gift for mom.
Every family is different but in my family, we try to do homemade gifts as much as possible or gifts that encourage an activity. I think it is all about personalization and making memories. Life is very noisy these days and gifting and receiving something meaningful is all the more important.
A very easy and very easy-to-personalize gift is a simple sterling silver finished chain necklace with a charm hanging from it. You can pick the size chain that your mom wears most and you can pick a charm that represents something she loves (a flower to symbolize gardening, a heart to show love, a cat charm for an animal lover, etc.). If she prefers bracelets over necklaces, you can start a charm bracelet for her and add to it every year.
Another idea is a kit. You can either buy the kit and make the jewelry yourself and give it to her, or you can give her kit to make. This is a great option if you have a crafty mom or one who already loves jewelry making. There are kits for every style and many are quick and easy to make.
Finally, if your mom is a maker, all makers love new tools! A new jewelry making tool set is a great gift idea as is a more specialty tool that she might not have thought to buy for herself. Perhaps a Jewel Loom, wire looping plier, or macrame board?
If you are looking for even more ideas, check out our hundreds of free projects and find something that is perfect for mom!