Having done so before, I dislike putting my Etsy shops in vacation mode for much needed breaks. That’s because if shops are closed for an extended time, like a month, the traffic takes a while to come back as no one has been visiting or buying from the shops. Etsy’s algorithm reacts to (lack of activity) signals.
If it is just a few days that I am away, I just extend my processing time by a few more days and let buyers know. This time I am going to be away off and on for a whole month – from roughly mid – August to mid September. I will be around in the first week of September.
So I have decided to run a special large late shipping sale of physical items during much of this period as an incentive to expect a slightly more than 2 week (about 12 business days) processing time at the longest.
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Huge Late Shipping Sale on my Etsy | Etsy’s Vacation Mode Affects Traffic | Funny AirPlane Safety Check
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