We are a reputed brand of wholesale jewelry supplies and jewellery manufacturer. We have a large team of jewelry designers to produce and create unique patterns of handmade […]
Do You Know These Fun Ways to Use Metal Clay? Weaving, Cheetos, Even Knitting with Metal Clay! Plus 5 Expert Metal Clay Jewelry Making Tips
By 0 on Do You Know These Fun Ways to Use Metal Clay? Weaving, Cheetos, Even Knitting with Metal Clay! Plus 5 Expert Metal Clay Jewelry Making Tips
Since I first discovered it many years ago at a craft trade show, metal clay has been my favorite medium ever, for jewelry making or any other craft. I can’t talk about metal clay jewelry making without saying the word “magic.” metal clay jewelry making with paper metal clay by Noel Yovovich I thought silver… […]
Lovely Beadwork Hoop Earrings Tutorial
Hoop earrings are stylish and easily customizable with different color combinations. Here is an excellent tutorial for a pair of beaded hoops using brick and herringbone stitches. The Austrian beadwork designer is Maria who has a Youtube channel called bafflingbeadsat. There she shares tutorials on how to make different styles of beaded hoop earrings. I […]
3 Beautiful Faux Metal Polymer Clay Jewelry Tutorials Using Real Gemstone Focals
I have written about faux metal and faux gemstone polymer clay tutorials before. But did you know you can combine faux metal polymer clay work with real gemstones? Check out these awesome tutorials by Ludmila on Youtube who sells her unique professional supplies on SweetBijou. Read more Share Your Comment! Share Your Comment! Related […]
Regency Inspired Jewelry and Tutorials | The Costume Designs of the Bridgerton Series
The Regency period in British history is commonly regarded as the years from about 1795 to 1837 which is the beginning of the Victorian era. The actual regency was between 1811-1820 when the then Prince of Wales had to take over for his mentally ill father, King George III. This was the monarch who lost […]
Gorgeous Wire Wrapped Copper Pendants and a Tree of Life Tutorial by CreationsbyCaryssa
Caryssa is a New Mexico based wire artisan who makes lovely wire wrapped cabochon jewelry. My favorites from her shop, CreationsbyCaryssa are those where she layers a beautiful element on top of the gemstones such as the monstera leaf (above) and the lotus flower (below). I also love one of her pendants which looks like […]
Lovely Beaded Bangles and Bracelets by SturdyGirlDesigns
When a talented designer such as Illinois based Shelley Nybakke of SturdyGirlDesigns has more than 100 lovely beading tutorials, I knew I couldn’t just featured her once. My last feature focused on her amazing “Until I Can Breathe Again” peyote necklace shown again below. She explained : This design got me through a rough patch […]
Design Tips for DIY Jewelry with the Birthstone for May: Emerald
Each month we have been featuring that month’s birthstone. For May, we take a look at the gorgeous green Emerald! According to our Gemstone Meanings and Metaphysical Properties Guide, emerald signifies fertility, hope, love, vitality, balance, intuition, and truth. Dating all the way back to the ancient Egyptians (and Cleopatra in particular), emeralds have been […]
Jewelry Artist Roger Halas Talks About Design and Inspiration
Through my work on Lapidary Journal Jewelry Artist, I’ve been very privileged in getting to know several top jewelry artists and jewelry makers. One of those artists is Roger Halas, who has not only provided Lapidary Journal Jewelry Artist with some incredible jewelry projects but who is also an expert on gemstones and minerals. His […]
Beautiful Muslin Sewing Patterns | The Lost Art of an Ancient Fabric More Expensive than Silk
By 0 on Beautiful Muslin Sewing Patterns | The Lost Art of an Ancient Fabric More Expensive than Silk
One reader asked if I could feature some more crafty tutorials. I am not surprised as many of you are good at a number of crafts, not just jewelry making. So your wish is my command! Getting hot where you are? There is nothing better than wearing lightweight cotton. Shown here are some excellent […]